
Saturday, 25th July 2020 A family lunch treat by baby sister at Duit SG Ikan Bakar . Thru our busy schedules, I'm glad we managed to plan for a get-together & hold a mini surprise celebration for our beloved parents 45th wedding anniversary & our family August babies. One for the memory before we gobbled down the delish spread Happy Advance Birthday to our August babies yang tak berapa baby sangat ð To my beloved parents, Semoga Allah swt panjangkan usia, sentiasa diperluaskan rezeki, dilimpahi kurniaan kesihatan & rahmat kasih sayang pada mak/bapak. Happy Advance Birthday! We love you!! ð To my irrinoying brother, May your days be in Allah swt love and blessings always ðĪŠ 21st July 1975 was a memorable day for them and thus officially marks our dear parents 45th anniversary. Thru every hardships, happiness, tears and joy, they've always had each other's back. May Allah swt bless my beloved mom and dad with HIS eternal love in Dunia and ...